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How do social media marketing tools help grow business?

The success of your business depends on identifying where your target audience spends most of its time. So, where can you find your target audience? The answer is simple, where most of the world spends its time – on social media!

As a small business owner, it’s important to make your presence felt on social media if you haven’t already done so. Your competitors are already there, and if you don’t join them, you risk losing your customers.

What makes social media so popular is people can easily share information, posts, or topics on any subject on social media. If you are new to social media, don’t worry since there are a lot of free online tools through which you can promote your products and services on this exciting platform.

Here are some ways in which social media can help boost your revenues: 

Popular Platform

Not only are most people, including your target clients, on social media, but they also engage with it on a daily basis. Time spent on social media through mobile phones or laptops is on the rise, so your business needs to get in on it to grab their attention. 

Customers love the fact that they can share their feedback about products and services on social media, and your business needs to give them that option too.

You can increase your market share since social media helps you reach out to more prospective clients. An active profile is important since people can access it easily, and you won’t miss out on any opportunities. 

Not Very Expensive

There are a lot of free tools you can use to promote your products on social media. Certain posts are free of cost, while an expense might be involved for others, like sponsored advertising. 

However, the price you pay is still competitive compared to traditional print advertising. You can upload special promotions and get higher engagement through social media at a competitive cost. 

Covers All Age Groups

Social media lets you access a wide demographic range, from students to retired people.

You can also opt for target marketing, where you choose a platform depending on the average age of the user. Instagram, for example, attracts the younger crowd, while Facebook has a more diverse audience. 

You are able to pitch your products to different age groups and increase your market share through social media. 

Easier Engagement

With the various changes in technology, the modes of communication are also changing. The preferred modes of communication are social media posts, messages, or emails. Your clients are looking at having multiple options for communication, and if you don’t offer them this, you might risk losing them.

Feedback and questions are vital for the growth of any business, and social media provides an ideal platform for this.

A simple but visually-appealing post on social media asking people for their feedback and suggestions can give you valuable insights into people’s views about your company and products.

Thanking them through these social media marketing tools is a more efficient and open way to acknowledge their contribution. 

It’s Available 24 x 7 

Social media does not have any fixed operating hours; it’s available 24 x 7.

A promotional email or a call to a customer might go unanswered, but a response can always be expected on social media. The reason is simple; your customers check their social media accounts daily for a fixed amount of time. 

Time zones don’t matter since you can interact with clients globally when they access their social media accounts.

Just like social media, your clients are always active. Posting regularly and responding instantly to customer queries is a sure way to boost your revenues.

Instant Sharing and Updating

Updating your website with new product information is a time-consuming process. A new product page would have to be created, and you’d need to ensure that the layout and coding for it so that the aesthetic appeal of your website is not compromised. 

You won’t face this problem with social media. Information sharing is quicker and easier on social media and happens just by clicking a button. An attractive creative and a line or two relating to the creative is all you need for your post. 

Updating information about your business or promoting an alternate or new product can also be done relatively quickly. 

Excellent Customer Service Tool

Customer service determines customer retention, and social media can be an effective tool in this area. If you want to engage your customers, ensure you have a provision for query and messaging since this is what customers prefer to communicate through.

Messages exchanged with your existing customers let potential customers make decisions about your company and its customer service quality. Viewers look at the way a query is handled, and if they find it satisfactory, they might become your loyal customers. 

This visibility is not possible with a phone call. You can thus show your audience you are a customer-friendly company through social channels. 

Brand Building

Get greater brand recognition with social media. Using target ads for your target audience gets you better results than general ads. Customers can see the human side of your brand since they are able to interact with it regularly. 

Making your brand more human improves its durability, and customers are likely to have a higher brand recall. You can also share your expertise as a thought leader, which helps build the trust of a customer. 

With greater engagement on social media, you can generate more traffic to your website. When you share high-quality blogs on social media, you are also likely to grab more user attention. This makes social media an effective social media tool. 

Measuring Business Performance

The effectiveness of your marketing efforts can be measured by looking at the key performance metrics.

You can get answers to questions like whether your posts are reaching qualified people or not, the time spent by viewers on your social media platform, the inquiries you are receiving for your products and services, and finally, the conversion rate. 

The quality of your posts is measured by the clicks on the respective links. If the clicks are not followed by likes and shares, it means you drew their attention, but the viewer did not engage with your post since they felt the quality was not good enough. 

If the shares go up, it’s a recommendation from the viewer, making your SMM successful. The more the post gets shared, the higher the chances of generating more leads and converting them. 


To run a successful business these days, a social media presence is essential. The number of viewers on social media is growing, and engagement levels are going up, and it’s one of the best ways to reach your customers.

Join the social media bandwagon and watch your profits grow! 

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