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5 Simple Steps on How to Apply Bonded Hair Extensions

Bonded hair extensions is one of the most popular modern extension techniques. And this is not surprising, because it allows you to make the hairstyle look as natural and beautiful as possible, without damaging hair. If you are a beginner hair stylist who only studies all the nuances of this technique, then this article is for you. We will tell you how to properly make extensions using keratin bonds, as well as where you can buy the best raw materials for this beauty procedure.

Let’s go!

  • Make hair marking

Determine exactly where you will apply the extended strands. Marking will make your work much easier and intuitively understandable.

  • Start from the top of the head

Use the heat protector shields with scale mark to protect the scalp. After you finish making extensions on the top of the head, move to the back of the head.

  • Pay attention to the temples

The hair in this area is naturally thinner and more loose. In some cases we recommend working here using micro bonds. A micro bond contains 0.6-0.8 grams of hair per strand and is similar in size to a grain of rice. Therefore, they are less noticeable and better suited for hair on the temples or for those clients who have naturally thin curls.

  • Make sure that natural hair covers the attachment points of the extended strands

To do this, try not to fix the strands in plain sight. Place them so that natural locks are on top of keratin bonds. Thanks to this, all changes in the hairstyle will be unnoticeable to others. Additionally, consider buying clip-in extensions for a convenient and versatile styling option.

  • Make sure the bonds are not too close to the roots

Otherwise you can create unnecessary tension in the root area. And this can lead to damage and loss of your client’s hair. Also, if the extended strands are attached too close to the scalp, your client will feel pain and the bonds will be felt during the first 2-3 weeks of wearing.

You will also need:

  • High-quality keratin for bonds formation
  • Iron for keratin glue melting 
  • Heat protector shields with scale mark
  • U-shaped pliers for making keratin bonds
  • Keratin glue remover liquid and hair extension removal pliers for keratin bonds removal
  • Hair

You can buy all these items on the site of the popular Canadian brand I Love Slavic Hair. The company offers high-quality original products, which most top hair stylist in Canada use. Here you will be helped to find premium raw materials for Bonded hair extensions technique and all the tools for this beauty procedure. After trying these products once, you won’t trade them for anything else!

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