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Thinning and Hair Part Hair Loss: Causes and Treatment

A hair part hair loss might seem unnoticeable at first, but once it progresses without treatment, it might cause an irreversible bald patch. Though hair loss and thinning can manifest in different ways, it’s always better to find treatment before the condition gets worse. Hair loss can be due to different factors and for one that begins in the part of your hair, it’s always better to find the root cause before seeking treatment.

Common Causes of Hair Loss

Both men and women of all ages can experience hair loss. Though the factors that cause them may not be the same, treatments can be similar to one another depending on the severity of the condition. Listed below are some of the most common causes of hair loss:


Our hormones tend to fluctuate as we get older which is why it can also drastically affect the integrity of our hair and skin. Hormones are one of the biggest factors that cause male and female pattern-baldness which means this occurrence is truly inevitable for some individuals. 


As we get older, our body tends to slow down in terms of recovery and regeneration. This is why people in their golden years have thinning hair or lose their natural volume. Though many seniors still have a full head of hair it’s also not uncommon to find both elderly men and women who are already balding. 

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that attacks the hair follicles on the scalp or in other parts of the body. Though alopecia areata has no known cure, it can definitely be treated especially if the condition is still in its early stages. 

Hair Styles

One of the biggest causes of hair part hair loss is the constant tension of the scalp from hairstyles. Sometimes using products that are too harsh on the scalp can also cause detrimental effects on the overall integrity of your follicles. Parting your hair constantly on one particular side also means that it’s always exposed to the sun which can dry out or damage your scalp.      

Addressing Hair Loss and Thinning 

There are many ways that you can treat hair loss depending on the severity of the condition. You can choose between the countless home remedies that have been proven to be effective. Many companies have also formulated their own chemical solutions and shampoo products that can stimulate the growth of hair. In this part of the article, we’re going to talk about 3 options you can choose and the benefits they can provide.

Home Remedies

When the condition starts with a hair part hair loss, it’s often better to find treatment before it gets worse. There are many kinds of natural ingredients you try at homes such as an egg mask or a licorice root rub. Coconut milk is another natural source of essential fats that can help stimulate hair growth. 

Shampoo and Hair Products 

Since it’s always been a part of our daily routine to use whatever product is on our shelf, we sometimes tend to forget how it can impact the overall integrity of our hair. Some shampoo and products can actually damage our scalp with chemicals so it’s always better to seek mild yet effective products on the shelf. 

Chemical Treatments

Minoxidil and Finasteride are two of the most commonly recommended treatment products by medical professionals. If the condition starts with a hair part hair loss, these products can effectively stimulate hair growth in just a matter of weeks. They have proven to be effective but of course, consulting your doctor is always better before trying any kind of treatment.

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